joined 10/19/2013, 4:05 PMhas 2,160 karma
- Shenmue (1999) reverse engineering reveals possible sun position oversight
- Sonos CEO Steps Down Following Disastrous App Redesign
- Equal Temperament Playground
- Swiss Style Color Picker
- Sonos to Recommit to Software Quality and Customer Experience After App Disaster
- Proton Wallet – a safer way to hold Bitcoin
- UV – an fast Python package installer and resolver, written in Rust
- Swiss Federal Railways Design Systems
- Sonos Said Rolling Out Widely Criticized App Redesign Took 'Courage'
- D3 Gallery, observable examples without observable runtime
- Proton Key Transparency [pdf]
- Proton and Standard Notes are joining forces
- Httpz: The internet you can trust
- History of Gameboy.txt
- ISO 3166-1 country list names considered harmful
- Nyan, yet Another Notation
- A multi-platform Sega Dreamcast, Naomi, Naomi 2, and Atomiswave emulator
- The Skiff Privacy Fiasco, or How Not to Shutdown Your Startup
- Street network orientation, configuration, and entropy (2019)
- Symfony 7 Is Here
- Inter font, version 4.0 released
- The Fallacy of ReUse (2009)