Brazil justice orders ban of video platform Rumble

by adrian_mrdon 2/22/2025, 2:29 PMwith 97 comments

by cesarbon 2/22/2025, 5:58 PM

For things like that, I always like to go to the source, and read the original order. It's the PDF at the bottom of this page: (it also has a link to a page with the PDF of the earlier order from two days ago).

by betabyon 2/22/2025, 6:24 PM

Moraes issues about ~10 domains bans per week, every week.

It's nothing new.

However we (English speakers) hear only about high profile sites.

by blackeyeblitzaron 2/22/2025, 4:11 PM

Alexandre de Moraes strikes again, with his sweeping anti democratic censorship orders. This man likes to suppress his political opposition - previously that meant banning individual users or deleting content but now it means entire platforms.

Many journalists and nonprofits have called him a threat to Brazilian democracy for good reason ( Also see this comparison of the Brazilian constitution and example censorship orders from de Moraes (

by victor22on 2/22/2025, 6:03 PM

Brazilian here. This guy is the most power crook in power, and he's definetely has been abusing it, many similar cases. The guys from Rumble are lucky they are not in Brazil, otherwise they would be fucked, extortion for sure (pay or go to jail / get fucked). Also, google him, he looks exactly like a evil movie villain, and he has this nasty villan look all the time.

by verisimion 2/22/2025, 5:57 PM

What's with all the flagged and dead comments?

Reading them, they mostly seem acceptably divergent political opinion, nothing that worrisome imo.

by loufeon 2/22/2025, 5:01 PM

I'm an avid reader of Glenn Greenwald (of the Snowden mass-surveillance revelations) and he's been talking about the lawsuit they're bringing against the government following this. I really love the type non-partisan journalism that he practices and hope they manage to shut this nonsense down.

by almosthereon 2/22/2025, 6:16 PM

Honestly we need a NATO of internet.

If any country bans speech, they lose ALL internet access. Then send the country a message: "You requested to be shut off from a specific IP, so we blocked x.x.x.x/0"